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Tracking True In Michigan: Wheel Alignment In Troy

July 17, 2015

Wheel alignment is often overlooked by busy Troy and Ferndale drivers until serious tire damage has been done. One wheel can be knocked out of alignment by hitting a curb or pothole on a Royal Oak interstate or surface street.

When a vehicle’s out of alignment, one or more of the wheels does not track true and pulls against the others. This causes several serious problems. First off, the tires will wear out faster and will need to be replaced prematurely. It could also lead to expensive SUV suspension problems.

Tracking True In Michigan: Wheel Alignment In Troy

But the big issue for Troy, Ferndale, and Royal Oak car owners is safety. When your SUV wheels are out of alignment, the vehicle will pull to one side, which could lead to an accident. When you’re out of alignment, you should have it taken care of right away at TLC Custom Exhaust Brakes & Tires in Royal Oak.

When undergoing an alignment service at TLC Custom Exhaust Brakes & Tires, your SUV is put on an alignment rack where the tires, steering and suspension parts are checked for damage. Then the alignment is charted and checked against the factory settings.

Precision adjustments are made to bring the wheels back into alignment. This gets all four wheels going in exactly the same direction.

Ferndale car owners should be aware of the signs of alignment problems. These include the car pulling to one side. Also, the steering wheel may not be centered when you’re going straight. If you see the edges of one or more tires rapidly wearing down, you should have your Royal Oak service center look it over. If you’ve been in an auto accident in Michigan that involved a wheel, you should get your alignment checked.

Obviously, a big jolt can seriously knock things out of alignment, but Troy drivers also need to understand that a series of smaller ones can add up.

That’s why car makers recommend periodic alignment checks. If your SUV owner’s manual doesn’t specify, once a year might be appropriate. Or check with Robb Remick or your service advisor at TLC Custom Exhaust Brakes & Tires in Royal Oak.

One thing’s for sure: the cost of the alignment at TLC Custom Exhaust Brakes & Tires is cheaper for Troy car owners than having to buy a couple of new tires because of neglect.

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